Life of a Teacher:
Now ask yourself this…do you think we have it easy? I mean
we get summers off, we are contracted to only stay until the bell rings, we get
paid holidays… sounds amazing right?
NO….. but not for the reason you think!
I love my job. I really do. If you asked me as a freshman in
college if I ever thought I would be where I am today teaching I would have
said HELL NO! That’s the funny thing about life though. It throws you fast
balls, curve balls, and change-ups. I’m going into my third year teaching now.
They say most teachers quit after their third year of teaching because it’s not
what you thought it would be. Well, they are exactly right about that… It’s not
what you think it will be.
The first year I got into teaching because it was a way for
me to be able to coach high school kids. It was a great opportunity to be
around the thing I loved, sports. Now that I am going into my second year full
time teaching with no coaching duties, I have come to appreciate and love the
classroom more than anything.
Am I the best teacher in the world? NO! Am I striving to be?
YES! Will I ever be? WHO KNOWS! I make mistakes, I forget to do things, I look back and wish I had done
lessons differently, but in the end I know I am what some of these kids at this
age need: A ROLE MODEL.
This brings me to my break down today. I am OCD, a
perfectionist, and I love for things to go according to the plan; however, if
you teach you know that is never going to happen. We had a faculty meeting today
that made my world collide. I want to do everything I can to be a good teacher,
but there are so many variables (science vocabulary word I taught today) that
make it hard. I would love to come to school and just teach and not have to
worry about everything the state has mandated us to do or all the negative
people around me. The news is dripping with all of these stories about how we
are short teachers and why we can’t keep teachers around. I will tell you why…
YOU (THE STATE) DEMANDS ALL THIS EXTRA CRAP that is not necessary. These
standardized tests are my biggest concern. My job depends on how these kids do
on the test. I do everything in my power to get them the information they need,
but if we expect these kids to base a years’ worth of work on one test then we
are all LUDICROUS! Instead, let’s get them the information they need to learn
and be successful and teach them to be the young adults our generation needs.
I drove home today and I couldn't complete one thought in my
head of what I needed to do this week for school, or for my lesson plans, or
any of my housework, or my upcoming evaluations. It was all running together. I
have always been a person who doesn’t do things half-ass. I like the
satisfaction of doing something and doing it well. So you can imagine all these
car lanes in my head merging into one crashing car after car.
So as I write this blog to vent and probably make no sense
to anyone, all I can do is strive to be the best teacher and role model some of
these kids can have. I break down a lot of nights because I worry that I am not
giving these kids enough when I feel like I can’t give anymore. I just want to
be the teacher that everyone seems to think I am. I do my best to always
connect with the kids especially those who need that some ONE!
When I wake up in the morning and get to school an hour
early to make sure I am prepared for the day, (which never works our cause all
of those damn variables) I tell myself to make it a great day and even better
than the one before.
In the end, it’s all worth it. Three weeks into school this
is what a kid brought me today (see picture below) because he knows how much I love it and told me “Thank you for being
my favorite teacher”. THIS NEEDS TO BE A DAILY REMINDER… to any one and everyone,
even if you’re not a teacher, you are making a difference (whether bad or good)
in someone’s life so with all the negativity around us… SPIN IT POSITIVELY!